Logistics Businesses In Demand

Logistics Businesses In Demand In A Supply Constrained World Owners of logistics businesses have been seeking my help recently. They have wanted to know what a sensible price would be to list their transport or transport and warehousing businesses for sale. Although I have written about businesses with high tangible assets before. This article is […]
What Is My Business Worth

What Is My Business Worth – Ask A Registered Business Valuer What is my business worth is a question that suits a swathe of assets whose values are unknown because they do not trade in liquid markets. Even liquid markets have their limitations. We value securities traded in liquid markets at the most recent trade […]
Business Brokers and Small Business

Market Makers Business Brokers and Small Business Hail to the business brokers. The band of brothers that get an illiquid jumble of disparate assets, called a small business. Standardise them. Market them. Negotiate them. And turn them into cash. These people are market makers. I googled how many small businesses there were in Australia as […]
Food Truck Business

Food Truck Business, Greater than the Sum of Its Parts The owner of a food truck business asked me recently about how to go about building a good business. He wanted to expand, and he wanted to make sure that he was adding value to his business so that eventually he could sell it and […]