An Uncommon Practice

An Uncommon Practice – Purchasing a Business While at a population level, the buying and selling of businesses is a practice that supports large industries, at an individual level, it is an uncommon practice. It is about as common as having a child and brings with it many of the mixed feelings of that process. […]
Is AI Our Nemesis

Is AI Our Nemesis or Our Saviour Is AI our nemesis is a question with no straightforward, immediate answer in Australia? For global economic growth, there is little doubt that it will be a powerful catalyst. The debate is centring on issues of equity and what it will do to the current skewed distribution of […]
How to Buy a Business

How to Buy a Business – Tips and Tricks How to buy a business is a pragmatic process. Buying or selling a business is not typically something anyone does very often. Probably about as often as having a child rather than buying a car. Because of this, it can be quite a fraught thing to […]
Asymmetric Information and Buying A Business

Asymmetric Information And Buying A Business – A Principled Approach Asymmetric information is one of the many pros and cons about buying a business. This article by Forbes lists some of them. There are many more articles that talk about why you should or should not buy a business. I want to talk about a […]
The Hurdle Rate

The Hurdle Rate Change Brings Opportunities The hurdle rate represents a bar that an investment must surpass before we consider it in preference for other projects. We root it in one of the most important concepts in economics. The idea of opportunity cost. This is just as prevalent in the decision to buy a business […]
Small Business and the Intergenerational Report

Small Business Overlooked in the Intergenerational Report They entirely overlooked small business in the Intergenerational Report (IGR). It is a report produced every five years by the Productivity Commission. There was an article in the Australian recently by Luke Achterstraat. He is the CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA). In it, […]
Baby Boomers Businesses

Baby Boomers Businesses a Matter of Scale Baby boomer businesses, or more precisely, their owners, bookend one extreme of the Australian demography. At the other end, we have a birth rate per woman that is below replacement levels. This simple set of facts feeds into many ongoing debates from the desired level of immigration, to […]
Making Money Outsourcing Parts of Your Business

Making Money Outsourcing Parts of Your Business and Specialising The key to making money outsourcing is not to look for suppliers or partners that you can pass a bit of your operations to. That is too easy. There are no end of businesses who will help you with yours and the reason for this is […]
When is the best time to sell a business? Now

When is the best time to sell a Business While the title of this article, “When is the best time to sell a business? Now” may sound self-serving for a business broker, selling businesses is how we make our money. There is an underlying logic to this heading that is hard to refute. It depends […]
Business Makes Money – That’s its job

Business Makes Money They related the price of an asset to the income or benefit it provides. An economist may call this its utility. This is how it is possible to guess whether it’s priced too high or too low. In extreme situations, we may characterise the price as a bubble. There have been famous […]