Business Opportunities in Australia 2023

Business Opportunities in Australia A shaft of optimism about Business opportunities in Australia 2023, has penetrated the landscape of economic discussion in Australia. For too long, we have been fed a diet of pessimism about rising prices, especially energy prices. We are having a rancorous debate regarding our journey towards a carbon-free utopia. Its adherents […]
Valuing Businesses With High Tangible Assets

It is possible to spend a lot of money buying plant and equipment as part of establishing or running a business. With the sale of the business, it is the amount that you get over the value of those hard assets that represents a measure of the success of an enterprise. It is making the whole greater than the sum of its parts which is a mark of entrepreneurial talent.
How to Get 25% More for your Business

For a buyer wanting to remove risk from the purchase of a business, it pays to have the seller keep 20% ownership of the business. The buyer is often willing to pay the full amount for this to occur. It makes sense if you equate the riskiness of a business with its value. By keeping the seller within the business, the Buyer gets the benefit of holding onto their experience and knowledge.
A Managed Business – How to Get One

The share market is the place to find managed businesses. They sell at a multiple of earnings that are well into double figures and possess a level of liquidity that a small to medium business does not. They have people that do the work and people who direct them. Everyone gets paid. Profits count after they are all expensed.
Why Bother with a Business Broker?

Advice on whether a business broker should sell your business will depend on who is giving the advice. I am a business broker, so I think you should. The more people who follow that advice, the better for brokers like me.
Busy Body Buyers – Businesses for Immigrants

Confidentiality is important in the sale of a business. It stops staff from seeking more secure employment if they believe uncomfortable changes will come their way.
Selling Business: The Boom in Goodwill

Perhaps the most powerful engine ever discovered is the market with the most powerful invention being the price mechanism. Markets have been around since the dawn of civilisation. It may well have heralded civilisation.
How Trademarking Can Increase Value and Price Of Your Business

A Small BusinessMany small businesses are a geographic entity. The physical location they occupy on the landscape becomes synonymous with what they offer. Your local coffee shop on the way to work.
Common Mistakes of Taking Over Business Lease at Sale of the Business

There are generally three parties involved in the transaction of a business. This is especially so in a business that relies on its location for its trade. Examples of this are retail businesses such as cafes, restaurants, bars as well as businesses that customers are compelled to patronise because of characteristics such as convenience and attractiveness to name a few.
Traps to avoid when starting a business

Creating your own business is a little like baking a cake. The outcome of your efforts will look very different to the sum of the individual parts you put in. It is this alchemy that is at the heart of starting a business and although it can be a very exciting time it can also hold many traps for the unprepared.